First of all I would like to express my self in English about this perfect ( and perfect and perfect !!! ) movie(!) because it is something very very different and we all have to thank those minds that created it and the language ( should be in Navi's ) must be English either good or bad. Cameron has put all of his fantasy to make a new world, a fantastic world who may be is in our dreams but we forget it as long as we get of our bed. It's the sense that we feel that in the middle of the night we had an adventure under our feet, a second life that take place in our mind but at the end we don't want to get up ( never! ). Jake, the main main character of the movie lived in this dream using as an avatar the body of a habitant of the Planet Pandora. He was a marine guy and as all marines should take orders and follow them. Jake, has lost two legs in a battle somewhere ( symptomatically in Venezouella ) and he is incompetent to live as a real man. Now, with a new body lives with the natives in this Planet, learns their habits, rules falls in love and becomes one of them with the one of the loveliest creatures presented there........
His first purpose is to give informations to his co leaders to make them understand how they could get in the Planet's soil to take the mineral they want....... As he becomes a man on his new world he understands and so this scientist colleagues that this whole new world downstairs are connected, combined some how with the nature around in a such a way that both creatures and plants are creating a network as a one creature it self.... This .. and the love with Neytiri change him and make him trying to save this world... Everywhere is a stockholder looking for bigger and bigger profits and in any movie is a Colonel that would fight for nothing, only for the joy of fighting. They are here too to make the second and the original Jake's Life hard . There are also monsters in every Sigourney Weaver's movie but the monsters here are the habitants that they just want to live whit their own way . And as a scientist she will help with the one or another way.
Plenty of Pure nature like the nature that our planet could have in the early beginning of its life, colors, flying mountains, dragons small and bigger, messages of how could we the people be together like a punch in a common target to save our plane for the disaster or how we help for this disaster to be a reality by looking the trees as "just trees".... ( Amazon River ...does it say something to you? ).
3D environment, last type of technology around , Microsoft's cloud in every machine ( even we are in year 2154 ), new ideas and old ideas combining into a tremendous movie... ( someone of my colleagues to this movie found that robocop was inside..... ) , strong feelings of love, courage, hate, and relief even the believing to their god ( Eiva ) make a fairy tail that every one would want to live IN IT.
Any way... time is up. i must go to sleep..... I have to dream all those i saw tonight....... Maybe I am lucky and I 'll keep flying with my dragon leading my legions to victory..... Machine guns and helicopters are not enough to put up with real Nature in this and ( every? ... ) planet... I fall asleep and my ... blue avatar starts running, living, falling in love, winning......
Good night and HAVE GOOD MONTH..........
Μενίδι: Νεκρός ηλικιωμένος μετά από φωτιά σε σπίτι
Τη ζωή του έχασε ένας ηλικιωμένος στο Μενίδι, μετά από πυρκαγιά που
εκδηλώθηκε σε μονοκατοικία στο Μενίδι
1 hour ago
Τι σου άρεσε από την ταινία (έτσι από περιέργια?) Το ανύπαρκτο σενάριο ή οι χαζοαμερικάνικοι διάλογοι? Αν πάρεις μια ταινία του Ταρζάν (με τον Weismuller) και αντικαταστήσεις την ζούγκλα με τη Πανδώρα, την Τζέιν με την .. (πως την λένε) τους λευκούς κατακτητές με το πλήρωματα του διαστημοπλοίου που έχουν "μυριστεί" χρήμα κ.λπ κ.λπ θα έχεις το ίδιο αποτέλεσμα (χωρίς τα computerίστικα κόλπα). Ασε που ο Ταρζάν ήταν πιο ενδιαφέρον :-)
Άργησα πολύ να απαντήσω είναι αλήθεια... αλλά εκείνο που μου άρεσε ήταν το βίωμα της φαντασίας.......σε έναν κόσμο που δεν μπορεί να υπάρξει ποτέ και ... στο κάτω κάτω σε έναν κόσμο που για τον πρωταγωνιστή... θα ήταν αδύνατο να χαρεί αν δεν υπήρχε η φανταστική ... δυνατότητα του .... ΑΒΑΤΑΡ!!
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